VaeQL is our proprietary navigation and query language for specifying exactly what content you want to display, use, or operate on. The VaeQL syntax is based on XPath 1.0, a standard language for querying structured data. If you already know XPath, you’ll pick this up quickly. If not, we’ll get you up to speed.

VaeQL adds some helpful features to the XPath 1.0 standard, such as ability to easily locate an individual item by its ID, predicate functions that are aware of the environment, support for associations and reverse associations, and the ability to extend the syntax with additional functions.

VaeQL Introduction

VaeQL expressions are similar to the paths that you use when working with a computer file system. You can move up and down your hierarchy of data by using / to move down and ../ to move up. Let’s start with some examples.

Every Vae structure that you create has a VaeQL name. By default this is the name of the structure with all non-alphanumeric characters removed and spaces replaced with underscores. So the default VaeQL name for a section called Homepage Gallery would be homepage_gallery. And the default VaeQL name for a root-level collection called Projects would simply be projects.

For example, this chunk of VaeML would display the names of all the projects:

<v:collection path="projects">
 <v:text path="name" />

In the above code sample, projects and name are paths expressed with VaeQL. These paths very simple, but VaeQL allows incredible flexibility. Read on.

Contexts and Traversal

Unless your specify otherwise, paths are interpreted relative to the current context. So in the previous example, where we were inside a collection called Projects and wanted to display the text field Name, we only needed to refer to name in the VaeQL expression.

To jump out of the current context, you may begin your VaeQL expression with a slash (/). In this example, we jump out of the context of the collection to get the name of the current president of the company, which is stored in a different structure:

<v:collection path="projects">
 <v:text path="/overall/current_president" /> is proud to announce our new project:
 <v:text path="name" />

Rather than jumping fully out, you can also navigate relative to the current current. To go up a level in the path, use two dots (..). You may traverse up as many levels as you’d like. In this example, we render the artist and title of each song together, even though they’re in different collections:

All songs:
<v:collection path="artists">
 <v:collection path="songs">
  <v:text path="../artist_name" /> - <v:text path="song_title" />

You can also traverse downward (we’ll explain the [1] and [2] in a bit):

<v:collection path="artists">
 Artist Name: <v:text path="artist_name" />
 Title of first song: <v:text path="songs/song_title[1]" />
 Title of second song: <v:text path="songs/song_title[2]" />

Default Context

Generally, the default context is the top level of your data hierarchy. However, if the request parameter $id is set, the page was accessed via a Permalink, or if an ID is provided in the path to the page, the default context will be set to the item with that ID. Linking with <v:a> automatically generates links in this form. So for example, this code in projects.html would generate links that have the project IDs in their path:

<v:collection path="projects">
 <v:a href="/project"><v:text path="name" /></v:a>

So in project.html you can directly access the fields in the project, because the default context is set by the ID in the path:

<v:ctext path="name" />

This will render the name of the Project, even though the context is not explicitly set anywhere. If you want to back out of the default context, simply begin your path expression with a slash, like so:

<v:collection path="/projects">

Because there will be different default contexts on different pages, we generally recommend using a leading slash on all path expressions used in template files.

Finding items by ID

VaeQL provides a shortcut that allows you to locate any item by its ID (which is globally unique across Vae). Simply pass in that ID as the first part of your path. For example, this snippet will render the name structure of entry number 12345:

<v:text path="12345/name" />

You can also pull in a collection of IDs:

<v:text path=“/locations[@id=1 or @id=2 or @id=3]” />

You can pull in data from request (GET or POST) parameters by simply using a dollar sign ($) and the name of the parameter in your path expression. This will be useful in cases involving finding a specific item or conducting a search. For example:

<v:text path="$location_id/name" />

You can also restrict your ID search to certain fields by putting them before the ID. For example, this code would render the text in the name structure of the entry with ID stored in parameter $location_id, but only if that entry is part of the locations collection:

<v:text path="/locations/$location_id/name" />

Searching: Predicate expressions

Predicate expressions are the real powerhouse of VaeQL. You can search and filter to only return results that match specific requirements. Predicate expressions are built by putting conditions in square brackets ([]) at the end of the path.

In this example, we search for items with a price of less than $5:

<v:collection path="items[price<5]">

You may specify multiple expressions. Just stack them up. This would search for items with a price of less than $5 and a color of White.

<v:collection path="items[price<5][color='White']">

You may also use request parameters inside predicate expressions:

<v:collection path="items[price<$max_price]">

Predicate Functions

In addition to all the normal functions provided by XPath, VaeQL also provides a few functions of our own that are useful for searching:

  • now() - returns the current day. Useful for finding current vs. past events.

  • clubtime() - like now(), but treats the time from midnight-3AM as the previous day. Good for creating band or nightclub websites.

  • date($date) - special function that selects entries where the date value is within a certain year, month, or day. If $date is just a number, it is interpreted as a year and all entries from that year are returned. If $date is formatted like 2010-01, it is treated as a month. If $date is formatted like 2010-07-23, it is treated as a day.

  • loggedin() - returns the ID of the currently logged in user.

  • path() - returns the URL path of the current page.

  • top() - returns the ID of the current context.

Here is an example of searching for events that are upcoming:

<v:collection path="events[date>now()]">


VaeQL automatically wires up Association fields (single or multi) for ease of use. You can traverse into and up from an association just as you would any other field. For example, if you had a collection called Properties that had an association to an Agent, you can grab the agent’s name just by traversing:

<v:collection path="properties">
 Property name: <v:text path="name" />
 Offered by: <v:text path="agent/name" />

Once you traverse into an association you are inside of that context. This means that if you traverse back up, you will go back up to the parent of the associated structure, not back into your original context. For example, say that Agents is actually a children of another collection called Branches. You could do this:

<v:collection path="properties">
 Property name: <v:text path="name" />
 Offered by: <v:text path="agent/name" />
 From this branch: <v:text path="agent/../name" />

Multiple-item associations work the same way, except that since there are many associated entries, you will want to treat them like a collection:

<v:collection path="properties">
 Similar properties:
 <v:collection path="similar_properties">
  <v:text path="name" />

Single-item associations can also be used in reverse. Going back to our Properties and Agents example, this is how you would list all properties offered by an Agent:

<!-- in Agent context -->
Agent name: <v:text path="name" />
<v:collection path="properties">
 Property name: <v:text path="name" />

Note that in this case, there is no structure properties defined on agent. VaeQL checks for that first, and since it doesn’t exist, checks to see if there is another collection called properties with an association to the current agent – which is the case here.

VaeQL Notes

Although we use VaeML for all these examples, the syntax is the same in our PHP integration API. The only difference is that vae() or vae_find() are not aware of context.

Differences from XPath 1.0

VaeQL is largely compatible with XPath 1.0. The | operator for combining nodesets is not guaranteed to work. It may work in certain instances. If you notice any other differences, please bring them to our attention, but we cannot guarantee that the XPath 1.0 behavior is correct.

External Resources

Here is an outside tutorial on XPath. Although this covers generic XPath, and not our enhanced VaeQL syntax, it is a great reference for XPath axes, which we generally support.