
Generates an RSS feed from one or more collections of data on Vae. Generally this tag would be put into a file by itself, perhaps called rss.xml.

Tags inside this tag will be rendered in the context of each item and inserted into the RSS feed. This is useful for adding custom tags. Vae will automatically add the namespace declaration for Google Base if you use Google Base tags.

Required Attributes

  • title - title for the RSS feed.

  • description - description for the RSS feed.

  • path - path to the collection(s) to include in the RSS feed. Uses VaeQL syntax. Separate multiple paths with a comma.

  • title_field - path to the structure within each collection that contains the text that should be used for the RSS title field. Separate multiple paths with a comma.

  • description_field - path to the structure within each collection that contains the text that should be used for the RSS description field. Separate multiple paths with a comma. If this structure is an image, it will be rendered inside an HTML <img> tag within the RSS Feed.

  • author_field - path to the structure within each collection that contains the text that should be used for the RSS author field. Separate multiple paths with a comma.

Optional Attributes

  • order - Structure to sort entries by. You may also sort by multiple structures by separating them with a comma. You may sort by a structure in descending order by wrapping the structure name with DESC(), such as DESC(name). You can reverse the order stored in Vae by setting this attribute to DESC().

Sample Usage

Simple example, feeding the posts from a Blog:

<v:rss title="My Site" description="My blog feed." path="posts" title_field="title" description_field="content" />

Creating a feed in Google Base format for submitting products to Google:

<v:rss title="My Site" description="My products." path="products" title_field="name" description_field="description">
 <g:brand>My Brand</g:brand>