
Outputs an HTML form (<form> tag) that will process modifications to the customer’s shopping cart.

Required Attributes


Optional Attributes


Since this tag generates an HTML <form> tag, you may also use any standard HTML attributes that are valid in the <form> tag. These will be passed through unchanged into the generated tag.

Form Parameters

These are the request (POST) parameters that should be submitted with the form:

  • qty - to allow the user to update the quantity of an item in the cart, you should create <v:text_field> tags for each item with path="qty".

  • remove - to allow the user to remove an item from the cart, you should create <v:checkbox> tags for each item with path="remove".

You may provide a <v:else> tag after this tag to specify HTML to render if there are no items in the cart.

Sample Usage

  Name  : <v:text path="name" />
  Size  : <v:text path="option_value" />
  Price : <v:store:item:price />
  Qty   : <v:text_field path="qty" />
  Remove? <v:checkbox name="remove" />
 <input type="submit" value="Update Cart" />
 Your cart is empty!