
The vae_store_update_tax_rate() function updates a tax rate.


vae_store_update_tax_rate($rate_id, $options)

  • $rate_id - numeric ID of the tax rate.

  • $options - PHP associative array containing the options for the tax rate.

    Valid keys are: description, rate, country, state, zip, include_shipping, tax_class, minimum_price. These correspond with the options described on the page for creating tax rates.

    All keys are optional except description and rate, which are required.


Returns false on failure, or true on success.

Sample Usage

// Change tax rate to apply to shipping charges
$return_value = vae_store_update_tax_rate($id, array(
  'include_shipping' => '1'
if ($return_value == false) {
  echo "FAILURE";
} else {
  echo "SUCCESS";