
Outputs an HTML select input field (<select> tag) prepopulated with a list of states in the United States or Canada as options and a hidden text input field (<input type="text"> tag) that will be toggled on if the user selects a country that is not the United States or Canada. This allows visitors from foreign countries to input their state manually.

We determine the name of the associated <v:country_select> tag by taking the name of this tag and replacing the word state with country. For example if you had a <v:state_select> with name billing_state, it would link to the <v:country_select> tag called billing_country.

When used in conjunction with other Vae tags that generate HTML forms, the field will intelligently populate itself with a selected state if data exists in the current working path that matches the path attribute for this input. Additionally, form validation can be run on the client and server end.

Required Attributes

  • path - the path to the Vae item this input pertains to. Uses VaeQL syntax. If provided, the name parameter will be set to this as well, and the value will be retrieved from this path.


  • name - request parameter name that the input value will be assigned to.

Optional Attributes

  • required - if set and used in conjunction with a Vae form tag that generates an HTML form, validation will be performed on this field. Please see the Validating Forms page for more information.

Since this tag generates an HTML <input> tag, you may also use any standard HTML attributes that are valid in the <input> tag. These will be passed through unchanged into the generated tag.


This tag is usually self-closed.

Sample Usage

<v:formmail to="[email protected]">
  Which state are you from?
  <v:state_select name="from_state" />
  <v:country_select name="from_country" />
  <input type="submit" />