
Outputs an HTML form.

When used in conjunction with VaeML form tags, validation can be performed on user input. Please see VaeML Form Tag Validations for more information.

Required Attributes

  • None.

Optional Attributes

  • ajax - If this attribute is specified, code will be generated to submit this form via AJAX. This attribute should be set to the ID of the <div> container into which Vae will load the form response. .

  • akismet - provide an Akismet API key here to have the submission filtered by Akismet.

  • akismet_comment_field - if using Akismet filtering, provide the name of the structure that corresponds to the actual comment/post text.

  • akismet_email_field - if using Akismet filtering, provide the name of the structure that corresponds to the E-Mail address of the commenter/poster.

  • akismet_name_field - if using Akismet filtering, provide the name of the structure that corresponds to the name of the commenter/poster.

  • akismet_url_field - if using Akismet filtering, provide the name of the structure that corresponds to the URL of the commenter/poster.

  • flash - name of the flash bucket to store error messages in. You can name your flash buckets to put different types of messages in different places. Just pass that name here and in the flash attribute of the <v:flash> tag you are using to display error messages.

  • validateinline - if set to true, validation on the enclosed form elements will be performed on the client side using JavaScript and error messages will be displayed inline.

Since this tag generates an HTML <form> tag, you may also use any standard HTML attributes that are valid in the <form> tag. These will be passed through unchanged into the generated tag.


<v:form> is rarely used directly. It exists primarily because it is the foundation upon which any other tag that submits back to the server (such as <v:formmail> is built.


This tag is usually self-closed.

Sample Usage

<h1>Join Us</h1>
<v:form action="/signup.php" ajax="signupArea">
  Your Name: <v:text_field name="Name" />
  <input type="submit" />