
Iterates over a Vae Nested Collection and renders the text and tags inside once for every entry, including child entries.

You may nest a <v:divider> tag inside this tag to specify a divider that is shown after each entry or after a certain number of entries. Dividers can also wrap the entry content.

You may nest a <v:nested_divider> tag inside this tag to specify a divider that is shown after each nesting level or after a certain number of nesting levels. Nested dividers can also wrap the nested entry content.

Required Attributes

  • path - path to the collection you would like to render. Uses VaeQL syntax.

Optional Attributes

  • filter - specify text representing a search query. Only entries matching the search query will be returned.

  • filter_input - specify the name of a GET or POST parameter containing a search query. Only entries matching the search query will be returned.

  • order - If set to the the name of a structure in this collection, the collection will be sorted by that structure. You may also sort by multiple structures by separating them with a comma. You may sort by a structure in descending order by wrapping the structure name with DESC(), such as DESC(name). You may sort by the number of entries in a child collection by wrapping the child collection name with COUNT(), such as COUNT(comments). You can reverse the order stored in Vae by setting this attribute to DESC(). You can display elements in a random order by setting this attribute to RAND().

See Also

<v:divider>, <v:nested_divider>.

Sample Usage

List all categories (including children) without hierarchy:

<v:nested_collection path="categories">
 <v:text path="name" />

List all categories in a hierarchical list:

<v:nested_collection path="categories">
 <v:text path="name" />
 <v:divider><li><v:yield /></li></v:divider>
 <v:nested_divider><ul><v:yield /></ul></v:nested_divider>