
Outputs an HTML form (form tag) that will complete checkout.

You may use the form validation tools provided by the Vae form tags to make certain fields required.

Required Attributes

  • redirect - users will be redirected to this page once they click the submit button.

  • register_page - users will be redirected to this page if they have not yet submitted billing and shipping information.

Optional Attributes

Since this tag generates an HTML <form> tag, you may also use any standard HTML attributes that are valid in the <form> tag. These will be passed through unchanged into the generated tag.

Form Parameters

These are the request (POST) parameters that should be submitted with the form:


  • notes - any user-provided notes that go along with the transaction. These will be logged in the Vae backstage for the merchant to see.

For Credit Card Transactions

  • cc_type - type of credit card being used. Format should be that returned by <v:store:credit_cart_select>. The options are visa, master, discover, america_express, switch, and solo.

  • cc_number - credit card number.

  • cc_month - credit card expiration date (month). Format: 2 digit month (01-12).

  • cc_year - credit card expiration date (year). Format: 4 digit year (i.e. 2010).

  • cc_cvv - credit card verification value.

Sample Usage

<v:store:checkout redirect="/order_placed" register_page="/register" shop_page="/">
  Please input your credit card information:
  Credit Card Type: <v:store:credit_card_select name="cc_type" required="true" />
  Credit Card Number (no spaces or dashes): <v:text_field name="cc_number" maxlength="16" />
  Expiration Date (mm/yyyy): <v:text_field name="cc_month" maxlength="2" /> / <v:text_field name="cc_year" maxlength="4" />
  CVV: <v:text_field name="cc_cvv" maxlength="4" />
 <input type="submit" value="Checkout" />