
Outputs an HTML file input field (<input type="hidden"> tag).

Form validation can be run on the client and server end.

Required Attributes

  • path - the path to the Vae item this input pertains to. Uses VaeQL syntax. If provided, the name parameter will be set to this as well.


  • name - request parameter name that the input value will be assigned to.

Optional Attributes

  • required - if set and used in conjunction with a Vae form tag that generates an HTML form, validation will be performed on this field. Please see the Validating Forms page for more information.

Since this tag generates an HTML <input> tag, you may also use any standard HTML attributes that are valid in the <input> tag. These will be passed through unchanged into the generated tag.


This tag is usually self-closed.

Sample Usage

<v:formmail to="[email protected]">
  Upload your resume: <v:file_field name="Resume" />
  <input type="submit" />