
Outputs an HTML form (<form> tag) that when submitted will add an entry to a Vae collection. This is commonly used for building CMS functionality directly into your website, such as the ability for users to post content, such as comments.

Required Attributes

  • path - the path to the Vae collection to insert an entry into. Uses VaeQL syntax.

Optional Attributes

  • formmail - set to an E-Mail address and all the data from the form will be E-Mail address specified. This uses the same mechanism as the <v:formmail> tag.

  • from - if using the formmail attribute, specify a value here and we will make the E-Mail that is sent come from this address.

  • from_field - if using the formmail attribute, specify a value here and we will make the E-Mail that is sent come from the address specified in this form field. Good for making the E-Mail look like it came from the person who sent the form.

  • newsletter - supply a newsletter code here and the user will automatically be subscribed to that newsletter when submitting the form. This assumes that the form asks for the user’s E-Mail address in the parameter named e_mail_address. To change this, set the newsletter_email_field attribute.

  • newsletter_confirm - if specified, the user will only be subscribed to the newsletter specified in the newsletter code if this request variable is passed on. This is usually used to make a checkbox that the user can check to opt-in.

  • newsletter_email_field - if specified, we will look for the user’s E-Mail address in the parameter with this name.

  • redirect - if specified, users will be redirected to this page once the create form is submitted.

  • You may use any attributes that are accepted by the <v:form> tag.

Sample Usage

This will render a form that adds a comment to the comments structure:

<v:create path="comments">
 Name:    <v:text_field path="name" />
 E-Mail:  <v:text_field path="email" />
 Comment: <v:text_area path="comment" />
 <input type="submit" />