
Use the vae_video() function to generate a URL for a video uploaded through Vae. This is typically called to embed the URL within the code for a Flash FLV player. The URL is returned relative to the Vae data URL, which you can retrieve using the vae_data_url() function.

Currently, returned URLs do not contain slashes, however, this is not guaranteed, and may change in the future.


vae_video($video_id, $video_size)

  • $video_id - ID of the video you wish to retrieve. This is obtained by reading the data returned by vae() under the path of the Video structure you wish to use.

  • $video_size - if you set up a specific video resizing task in Vae, simply pass in the name of that video size here to obtain the video as sized by that task.


Filename of the local copy of this video, relative to the local Vae data cache path.

Sample Usage

// Display our bio video in a Flash Player
$bio = vae_find("bio");
$video_filename = vae_video($bio['video'], "Big");
echo '<embed src="video.swf?video=' . vae_data_url() . $video_filename . '" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="460" height="345" name="video" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />';