Vae Guide
- About Vae
- No Assumptions, No Hacking
- Separation of Content and Layout
- Web Professionals Required
- A Sampling of Vae Sites
- Designer Portal
- Content Management
- Getting Started with Structures
- Structures
- Simple Structures
- Superstructures
- Hybrid Structures
- Validations
- Structure Type Reference
- Collection
- Section
- External
- Text
- Text Area
- Rich Text Area
- Checkbox
- Color
- Date
- File
- Image
- Password
- Video
- Association (single)
- Association (multi)
- Tags
- Hosting Platform Deluxe
- Accessing Your Webspace
- PHP and MySQL
- Haml and Sass
- Generating PDFs
- Summary -- Processing by Extension
- Global PHP Includes
- Custom Error Pages
- Permalinks
- SEO: Search Engine Optimization
- Caching
- Vae Local Development Environment
- VaeML
- Validating Forms
- <v> shortcuts
- <v:form>
- <v:checkbox>
- <v:country_select>
- <v:date_select>
- <v:file_field>
- <v:hidden_field>
- <v:password_field>
- <v:radio>
- <v:select>
- <v:state_select>
- <v:text_area>
- <v:text_field>
- <v:a>
- <v:a_if>
- <v:asset>
- <v:captcha>
- <v:cdn>
- <v:collection>
- <v:create>
- <v:date_selection>
- <v:debug>
- <v:disqus>
- <v:divider>
- <v:else>
- <v:facebook_comments>
- <v:facebook_like>
- <v:file>
- <v:fileurl>
- <v:flash>
- <v:formmail>
- <v:fragment>
- <v:gravatar>
- <v:if>
- <v:if_paginate>
- <v:if_time>
- <v:img>
- <v:imurl>
- <v:nested_collection>
- <v:nested_divider>
- <v:newsletter>
- <v:nowidows>
- <v:option_select>
- <v:pagination>
- <v:pdf>
- <v:php>
- <v:repeat>
- <v:require_ssl>
- <v:rss>
- <v:section>
- <v:session_dump>
- <v:set_default>
- <v:site_seal>
- <v:store:add_to_cart>
- <v:store:address_delete>
- <v:store:address_select>
- <v:store:addresses>
- <v:store:cart>
- <v:store:cart:discount>
- <v:store:cart:items>
- <v:store:cart:shipping>
- <v:store:cart:subtotal>
- <v:store:cart:tax>
- <v:store:cart:total>
- <v:store:checkout>
- <v:store:credit_card>
- <v:store:credit_card_select>
- <v:store:currency>
- <v:store:currency_select>
- <v:store:discount>
- <v:store:forgot>
- <v:store:google_checkout>
- <v:store:if_bank_transfer>
- <v:store:if_check>
- <v:store:if_credit_card>
- <v:store:if_currency>
- <v:store:if_digital_downloads>
- <v:store:if_discount>
- <v:store:if_field_overridden>
- <v:store:if_logged_in>
- <v:store:if_money_order>
- <v:store:if_paypal>
- <v:store:if_paypal_express_checkout>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_bank_transfer>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_check>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_credit_card>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_digital>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_money_order>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_paypal>
- <v:store:if_recent_order_paypal_express_checkout>
- <v:store:if_shippable>
- <v:store:if_tax>
- <v:store:item:if_discount>
- <v:store:item:price>
- <v:store:login>
- <v:store:logout>
- <v:store:payment_methods_select>
- <v:store:paypal_checkout>
- <v:store:paypal_express_checkout>
- <v:store:previous_order>
- <v:store:previous_orders>
- <v:store:recent_order>
- <v:store:recent_order_items>
- <v:store:register>
- <v:store:shipping_method>
- <v:store:shipping_methods_select>
- <v:store:user>
- <v:text>
- <v:template>
- <v:update>
- <v:users:forgot>
- <v:users:if_logged_in>
- <v:users:login>
- <v:users:logout>
- <v:users:register>
- <v:video>
- <v:yield>
- <v:zip>
- VaeQL
- vae()
- vae_asset()
- vae_cache()
- vae_cdn_url()
- vae_create()
- vae_customer()
- vae_data_path()
- vae_data_url()
- vae_destroy()
- vae_disable_vaeml()
- vae_errors()
- vae_file()
- vae_flash()
- vae_image() and vae_sizedimage()
- vae_image_grey()
- vae_image_reflect()
- vae_imagesize()
- vae_loggedin()
- vae_multipart_mail()
- vae_permalink()
- vae_redirect()
- vae_register_hook()
- vae_register_tag()
- vae_render_tags()
- vae_richtext()
- vae_store_add_item_to_cart()
- vae_store_add_shipping_method()
- vae_store_cart_item()
- vae_store_cart_items()
- vae_store_checkout()
- vae_store_clear_discount_code()
- vae_store_create_coupon_code()
- vae_store_create_tax_rate()
- vae_store_current_user()
- vae_store_destroy_all_tax_rates()
- vae_store_destroy_coupon_code()
- vae_store_destroy_tax_rate()
- vae_store_discount_code()
- vae_store_find_coupon_code()
- vae_store_loggedin()
- vae_store_orders()
- vae_store_recent_order()
- vae_store_register()
- vae_store_remove_from_cart()
- vae_store_total_weight()
- vae_store_update_cart_item()
- vae_store_update_coupon_code()
- vae_store_update_order_status()
- vae_store_update_tax_rate()
- vae_style()
- vae_text()
- vae_tick()
- vae_update()
- vae_video()
- vae_watermark()
- eCommerce
- Creating the Structures for a Typical Store
- The Shopping Flow in VaeML
- Customizing Order Confirmation E-Mails
- Viewing Orders
- Accepting Real Money: Integrating an Internet Merchant Account
- Real-Time Shipping Calculations
- Integrating With a Third-Party for Order Fulfillment
- Collecting Sales Tax
- Store General Settings
- Analytics
- Tutorials and Examples
- Full Site Tutorial: Vae Records
- Full Site Tutorial: Erin Smith Photography
- Resizing Images
- Paginating A Collection
- A Contact Form
- Using XML to Send Data to Flash App
- Using AJAX
- Making An AJAX Photo Gallery
- Backstage
- Content Tab
- Store Tab
- Customers Tab
- Newsletter Tab
- Site Tab
- Users Tab
- Usage / Billing Tab
The vae_store_add_shipping_method()
function adds a shipping method to
the site. All options available from the built-in shipping methods are
also available. This function is usually called in __vae.php
. If you
need to calculate the cost, you may call this function inside a
hook. This function only needs to be called once
per visitor session, but calling it multiple times is ok. Subsequent
calls for the same method name will update the cost and options.
- PHP associative array containing the options for the shipping method.Valid keys are:
. These correspond with the options described on the page for enabling the built-in shipping methods.All keys are optional except
Returns false
on failure, or true
on success.