
Use the vae_create() function to create a new entry in a Vae collection.


Please do not use this function for any purpose that may generate abuse, such as contest entries. Overuse of this function can result in having your CMS locked and future updates disallowed until you contact us. Please reach out and contact us if you’re at all unsure about a given use for this function.

Usage - New Syntax

vae_create($path, $ignored = null, $data)

  • $path - Path to the Vae collection collection you would like to add a new row to.

  • $ignored - Since you’re passing a path as the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. Just provide a value of null or anything else.

  • $data - associative array containing the new data, represented as key-value pairs

Usage - Old/Alternate Syntax

vae_create($collection_id, $parent_row_id = 0, $data)

  • $collection_id - ID of the Vae collection collection you would like to add a new row to.

  • $parent_row_id - If this collection is not at root level, provide the ID of the row that this row should be added under. Otherwise, provide a value of 0.

  • $data - associative array containing the new data, represented as key-value pairs


Returns false on error, or the new ID of the created entry on success. In the event of a failure, you should call vae_errors() to return an array of the error messages.

Sample Usage

// Create new comment
$ret = vae_create(1001, $_REQUEST['id'], array('comment' => $_REQUEST['comment']));
if ($ret == true) {
  echo "Success";
} else {
  echo "There were some errors:\n";
  foreach(vae_errors() as $error) {
    echo $error . "\n";