Problem with Uploading Images
  • I'm having a frustrating problem when uploading images into the vae backend.

    They all get rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

    Images are around 3MB in size - I can't say I've ever had an issue with this before, so totally unsure whats to blame for the issue.

    It happens using all browsers Chrome/FF/Safari...

  • 2 Answers sorted by
  • Wow, I've never seen this before. Are these all .JPGs? Can you try opening them up in Photoshop and re-saving them?

  • We figured this out... sort of at least. We had to re-save these images outside of the Photoshop environment. We suspect that some crazy PS settings or meta-data was throwing Vae off track during the upload process. If the images are saved as true jpg files, then Vae is working just fine.

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