Video Uploader App
  • The Video structure is great for clients to be able to upload their videos. However, we run into a problem when working with HD videos: the web browser will time out if the file size is too large.

    We ended up having to use Vimeo. They have a video uploader app which circumvents the limitations of uploading large files via a web browser. However, this is not an all inclusive solution for the client, and the Vimeo player has no skinning options. I would rather use Vae.

    Maybe you could make a file uploader app at some point down the pipeline? That would really help when using HD videos with Vae.

  • 2 Answers sorted by
  • Would a possible workaround be to upload the video to *, then importing the url via a spreadsheet? I know that works for images, but for videos, would it work?

  • This would work for videos.

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