Using VaeML in javascript
  • I'm wanting to use VaeML in a javascript file. I'm proficient with HTML & CSS but js is not my cup of tea.

    I'm wanting to replace '20415 Highland Lake Dr Lago Vista Tx 78645 with a VaeML reference such as . I can't figure out how to do this any help would be greatly appreciated.

    markers: [{
    address: '20415 Highland Lake Dr Lago Vista TX 78645',
    html: '_address',
    popup: false
    //controls: false,
    //scrollwheel: false,
    zoom: 16

  • 2 Answers sorted by
  • You can't put VaeML in a javascript file. You can just move that code into your main HTML file and do something like this:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    jQuery(function() {

    markers: [{
    address: '<v=address>',
    html: '_address',
    popup: false
    //controls: false,
    //scrollwheel: false,
    zoom: 16


    Or, if you don't want to do that, you could put that text in a DOM element, such as a <div> and then reference it using jQuery from your .js file.

    In your HTML:

    <div id="address"><v=address></div>

    In your .js:

    markers: [{
    address: $("#address").html(),
    html: '_address',
    popup: false
    //controls: false,
    //scrollwheel: false,
    zoom: 16

  • Awesome Thanks! Couldn't get the dom to work but the other works fine.

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