Notice: insecure FTP will be deactivated January 1, 2011. Please switch to Secure FTP.
  • We will no longer be supporting regular (insecure) FTP access beginning on January 1, 2011. We will support FTP-Secure on port 21, using the same usernames and passwords you currently use.

    Please begin to transition your FTP use to be secure. We will send you another reminder when we get closer to that date.

  • 3 Answers sorted by
  • Are there any effects from this being done that we should know about?

  • We will send out an E-Mail when it gets closer to January 1. Basically it just means that you will need to update the settings in your FTP client or Coda or Dreamweaver or whatever you use to enable SSL.

    If you do not enable SSL, FTP connections will begin to fail on January 1.

    We've done extensive testing with Transmit, FileZilla, Coda, Fetch, WS_FTP, and more so we feel good about this update going smoothly.

  • Due to complaints, we rolled this back, for now. We will continue to pursue this idea in the the future.

    For now, you can use unsecure port 21 FTP if you'd like, but we highly recommend enabling SSL.

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