v:else doesn't render when using custom tags
  • Hi guys,

    I've created a custom PHP function in __vae.php:
    function check_device($a, $tag, $context, &$callback) {
    $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
    $device = ($detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet()) ? 'mobile' : 'desktop';
    return vae_render_tags($tag, $context, ($a['device'] == $device));

    vae_register_tag('check_device', array(
    'handler' => 'check_device',
    'params' => array("device"),
    'required' => array("device")

    I use this syntax:
    <v:check_device device="mobile">
    User is on mobile
    <v:else>User is on desktop</v:else>

    For some reason the content of v:else won't render when the php-function returns false. Am I doing something wrong here?

    I've based my code on the IfCurrentDomain example at http://docs.vaeplatform.com/php_vae_register_tag

  • 1 Answer sorted by
  • This syntax appears to be correct. Can you email [email protected] with your subdomain and a URL to the page and we can check it out further.

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