Partial support for Vae
  • This is useful when you'd like use the same HTML block(s) in several different locations in your template.


    To register a partial simply wrap your code in a v:partial tag:

    <v:partial id="product">
    <v:img path="image" />

    <v:if path="price">
    <div class="price"><v:text path="price" /></div>

    <div class="name" title="<v:text path="name" />"><v:text path="name" /></div>

    ... and then to use that partial in any context (single document or collection):

    <div class="featured product">
    <v:partial id="product" path="/products[price > 0]" />

    <ul class="products">
    <li><v:partial id="product" path="/products" /></li>

    Note: The partial output tag takes the same parameters as v:collection.

    Code (put this in __vae.php):

    function partial($attributes, $tag, $context, $callback) {
    global $partials;

    $id = $attributes['id'];

    if (count($tag['tags']) > 0) {
    if (!is_array($partials)) {
    $partials = array();

    $partials[$id] = $tag;
    } else {
    if (array_key_exists('path', $attributes)) {
    $context = vae($attributes['path']);

    return vae_render_tags($partials[$id], $context);

    vae_register_tag('partial', array(
    'handler' => 'partial',
    'params' => 'collection',
    'required' => array('id')

  • 1 Answer sorted by
  • Very cool to see a working example of building a custom vae tag.

    Can't the same thing be accomplished though using templates?

    in partial.html:
    <v:img path="image" />

    <v:if path="price">
    <div class="price"><v:text path="price" /></div>

    <div class="name" title="<v:text path="name" />"><v:text path="name" /></div>

    ... and then to create the context context (section or collection:

    <div class="featured product">
    <section path="/products[price > 0]">
    <v:template filename="/includes/partial.html"></v:template>

    <ul class="products">
    <v:collection path="/products">
    <v:template filename="/includes/partial.html"></v:template>

    It would be great to see if either has a speed advantage to the other.

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